1. calibrate::calves
    Delivery of Dutch Calves
  2. calibrate::goblets
    Size measurements of archeological goblets
  3. calibrate::heads
    Dimensions of heads of first and second sons for 25 families
  4. calibrate::linnerud
    Linnerud's exercise and body measurements
  5. calibrate::spaindist
    Road distances between Spanish cities
  6. calibrate::storks
    Frequencies of nesting storks in Denmark
  7. Correlplot::HeartAttack
    Myocardial infarction or Heart attack data
  8. Correlplot::Kernels
    Wheat kernel data
  9. Correlplot::PearsonLee
    Heights of mothers and daughters
  10. Correlplot::aircraft
    Characteristics of aircraft
  11. Correlplot::aircraftR
    Correlations between characteristics of aircraft
  12. Correlplot::artificialR
    Correlations for 10 generated variables
    matrix|10 x 10
  13. Correlplot::athletesR
    Correlation matrix of characteristics of Australian athletes
    matrix|12 x 12
  14. Correlplot::banknotes
    Swiss banknote data
  15. Correlplot::berkeleyR
    Correlation matrix for boys of the Berkeley Guidance Study
    matrix|11 x 11
  16. Correlplot::cathedralsR
    Correlation matrix for height and length
  17. Correlplot::countriesR
    Correlations between educational and demographic variables
  18. Correlplot::fysiologyR
    Correlations between thirtheen fysiological variables
    matrix|13 x 13
  19. Correlplot::gobletsR
    Correlations between size measurements of archeological goblets
  20. Correlplot::proteinR
    Correlations between sources of protein
  21. Correlplot::recordsR
    Correlations between national track records for men
  22. Correlplot::storksR
    Correlations between three variables
  23. Correlplot::students
    Marks for 5 student exams
  24. Correlplot::studentsR
    Correlations between marks for 5 exams
  25. HardyWeinberg::Alzheimer
    Genotype frequencies for 70 SNPs related to Alzheimer's disease
  26. HardyWeinberg::CEUchr22
    Biallelic polymorphisms sampled from chromosome 22 of the CEU population of the 1000 Genomes project.
    matrix|99 x 10000
  27. HardyWeinberg::Glyoxalase
    Glyoxalase genotype data
  28. HardyWeinberg::HapMapCHBChr1
    Genotype frequencies for 225 SNPs on chromosome 1 of the CHB population.
    matrix|225 x 3
  29. HardyWeinberg::JPTmultiallelicsChr7
    Multi-allelic autosomal variants of the Japanese population of the 1000 genomes project
  30. HardyWeinberg::JPTmultiallelicsChrX
    Multi-allelic X-chromosomal variants of the Japanese population of the 1000 genomes project
  31. HardyWeinberg::JPTsnps
    Bi-allelic SNPs from a Japanese population stratified by gender
  32. HardyWeinberg::JPTtriallelicsChr7
    Tri-allelic variants on chromosome 7 of the Japanese (JPT) sample of the 1000 genomes project
  33. HardyWeinberg::JPTtriallelicsChrX
    Tri-allelic variants on the X-chromosome of the Japanese (JPT) sample of the 1000 genomes project
  34. HardyWeinberg::Markers
    SNP data and intensities
  35. HardyWeinberg::Mourant
    Genotype frequencies for blood group locus MN
  36. HardyWeinberg::NistSTRs
    NIST autosomal STR data
  37. HardyWeinberg::TSIXTriAllelics
    Tri-allelic polymorphisms on the X chromosome of the TSI population
  38. Jacquard::DeltaSimulatedPedigree
    Estimates of Jacquard Coefficients for Simulated SNP data according to a Pedigree
  39. Jacquard::GTC
    Joint Genotype Counts according to a Pedigree
  40. Jacquard::SimulatedPedigree
    Simulated SNP data according to a Pedigree
  41. MLpreemption::Fattorini
    Australian bird abudances.
  42. MLpreemption::Ganeshaiah
    Indian dung beetles from Ganeshaiah et al. (1997)
  43. MLpreemption::Mehrabi
    Costa Rica dung beetle counts from Mehrabi et al. (2014)
  44. ToolsForCoDa::Artificial
    Two sets of 3-part compositions
  45. ToolsForCoDa::PinotNoir
    Chemical composition of Pinot Noir wines
  46. ToolsForCoDa::Tubb
    Romano-British pottery oxides
  47. ToolsForCoDa::bentonites
    Isotopic and chemical compositions of bentonites