- calibrate::calvesDelivery of Dutch Calves
- calibrate::gobletsSize measurements of archeological goblets
- calibrate::headsDimensions of heads of first and second sons for 25 families
- calibrate::linnerudLinnerud's exercise and body measurements
- calibrate::spaindistRoad distances between Spanish cities
- calibrate::storksFrequencies of nesting storks in Denmark
- Correlplot::HeartAttackMyocardial infarction or Heart attack data
- Correlplot::KernelsWheat kernel data
- Correlplot::PearsonLeeHeights of mothers and daughters
- Correlplot::aircraftCharacteristics of aircraft
- Correlplot::aircraftRCorrelations between characteristics of aircraft
- Correlplot::artificialRCorrelations for 10 generated variables
- Correlplot::athletesRCorrelation matrix of characteristics of Australian athletes
- Correlplot::banknotesSwiss banknote data
- Correlplot::berkeleyRCorrelation matrix for boys of the Berkeley Guidance Study
- Correlplot::cathedralsRCorrelation matrix for height and length
- Correlplot::countriesRCorrelations between educational and demographic variables
- Correlplot::fysiologyRCorrelations between thirtheen fysiological variables
- Correlplot::gobletsRCorrelations between size measurements of archeological goblets
- Correlplot::proteinRCorrelations between sources of protein
- Correlplot::recordsRCorrelations between national track records for men
- Correlplot::storksRCorrelations between three variables
- Correlplot::studentsMarks for 5 student exams
- Correlplot::studentsRCorrelations between marks for 5 exams
- HardyWeinberg::AlzheimerGenotype frequencies for 70 SNPs related to Alzheimer's disease
- HardyWeinberg::CEUchr22Biallelic polymorphisms sampled from chromosome 22 of the CEU population of the 1000 Genomes project.
- HardyWeinberg::GlyoxalaseGlyoxalase genotype data
- HardyWeinberg::HapMapCHBChr1Genotype frequencies for 225 SNPs on chromosome 1 of the CHB population.
- HardyWeinberg::JPTmultiallelicsChr7Multi-allelic autosomal variants of the Japanese population of the 1000 genomes project
- HardyWeinberg::JPTmultiallelicsChrXMulti-allelic X-chromosomal variants of the Japanese population of the 1000 genomes project
- HardyWeinberg::JPTsnpsBi-allelic SNPs from a Japanese population stratified by gender
- HardyWeinberg::JPTtriallelicsChr7Tri-allelic variants on chromosome 7 of the Japanese (JPT) sample of the 1000 genomes project
- HardyWeinberg::JPTtriallelicsChrXTri-allelic variants on the X-chromosome of the Japanese (JPT) sample of the 1000 genomes project
- HardyWeinberg::MarkersSNP data and intensities
- HardyWeinberg::MourantGenotype frequencies for blood group locus MN
- HardyWeinberg::NistSTRsNIST autosomal STR data
- HardyWeinberg::TSIXTriAllelicsTri-allelic polymorphisms on the X chromosome of the TSI population
- Jacquard::DeltaSimulatedPedigreeEstimates of Jacquard Coefficients for Simulated SNP data according to a Pedigree
- Jacquard::GTCJoint Genotype Counts according to a Pedigree
- Jacquard::SimulatedPedigreeSimulated SNP data according to a Pedigree
- MLpreemption::FattoriniAustralian bird abudances.
- MLpreemption::GaneshaiahIndian dung beetles from Ganeshaiah et al. (1997)
- MLpreemption::MehrabiCosta Rica dung beetle counts from Mehrabi et al. (2014)
- ToolsForCoDa::ArtificialTwo sets of 3-part compositions
- ToolsForCoDa::PinotNoirChemical composition of Pinot Noir wines
- ToolsForCoDa::TubbRomano-British pottery oxides
- ToolsForCoDa::bentonitesIsotopic and chemical compositions of bentonites